Greetings! I'm an Assistant Professor of Economics in the Baker School of Business at The Citadel in Charleston, SC.
My research focuses on applied microeconomics, economic development, and political economy. My research has been published in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Public Choice, Journal of Institutional Economics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Economies, Journal of Markets & Morality, and The Independent Review. I'm currently working on several projects on the economic and political consequences of China's Belt and Road Initiative, as well as China's coercive assimilatory policies towards the Uyghurs and other Muslim ethnic minority groups in Xinjiang.
My research focuses on applied microeconomics, economic development, and political economy. My research has been published in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Public Choice, Journal of Institutional Economics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Economies, Journal of Markets & Morality, and The Independent Review. I'm currently working on several projects on the economic and political consequences of China's Belt and Road Initiative, as well as China's coercive assimilatory policies towards the Uyghurs and other Muslim ethnic minority groups in Xinjiang.
Very honored to be voted 2024 Undergraduate Professor of the Year by our students!
[Contact picture]
Greg Caskey
Assistant Professor of Economics, Tommy & Victoria Baker School of Business, The Citadel